The 4 Stages of NoFap Success

The Modern Samurai
3 min readJan 12, 2022


This video is not a benefits timeline. I don’t believe in day 10 benefits, or that women will suddenly throw themselves at you on day 90. Everyone has their own trajectory and tying specific dates to your journey is a setup for letdown and frustration. You will make mistakes and experience setbacks. It’s a natural part of self improvement. But to think relapse invalidates all prior progress does your younger and future self a big disservice. Appreciate how far you’ve come, and look forward to what the future brings.

The stages I outline are the most holistic representation of your journey. The fourth and final part is what I call the ‘golden point’ of NoFap.

(1): When you first begin retaining, releasing will dominate your everyday thoughts. Social media and certain situations will trigger old habits. You’ll understandably feel a hole in your identity. I mean, you’ve just given up a multiple year, daily vice. You no longer have this powerful crutch, and loneliness, anger, and sadness will soon seep in. At this stage it’s paramount you accept your past mistakes and their current consequences. Only then can you adopt the necessary long term mindset. Persist in this journey. For this stage is truly what separates the men from the boys.

(2): The next leg of your journey involves adopting new life practices and thereby transmuting your sexual energy. It’s about life beyond NoFap. Once your mind’s not dominated with constant urges, you’ll have an abundance of time and energy. How will you use it? You can idly allow negative thoughts to breed in your mind. Or you can actively take steps to develop yourself through exercise, meditation, or social adventures. The actions you take in this stage dictate your future success. You might ‘relapse’, but it doesn’t feel like one. Rather you’ve made the conscious decision to release. You weren’t motivated by lust, instead by a desire to deeply connect with yourself.

(3): By now, several areas of your life have progressed significantly. You resultantly don’t feel a strong desire to relapse. The NoFap practice is deeply ingrained in your daily life and you simply can’t imagine regressing. You occasionally get fleeting urges, but they’re quickly banished by your strong-willed mind. You reminisce bracingly of your early days on this journey, using it as motivation to continue pressing forward.

(4): The final, coveted stage of your NoFap journey is when you completely forget about it altogether. The golden point of NoFap is when releasing and lust are completely foreign. When you don a life of complete purity. When there’s no need to watch NoFap videos because this concept is essentially eradicated from memory. At this point your mind is free from the damage of adult videos. You look upon the world with an unwavering gaze. You make eye contact with women and appreciate their feminine beauty. The golden point is what everyone should be striving towards.

As of creating this video, I’m personally between the second and third stage. It took a painstaking eight months of dedication to myself and my self improvement journey. Now I’m addicted to results. I’ve transmuted too much energy towards meaningful pursuits. The spark NoFap gave me has grown into a flame. And I’ll continue to feed it until it becomes a roaring blaze. I hope my words can ignite in you a similar fire. Until next time.

