The Hidden Benefit of NoFap

The Modern Samurai
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


The alleged benefits of NoFap go beyond what you’ve already heard: better skin, eyes, and hair, eye contact, female attraction, etc. These pros are great, don’t get me wrong. But there’s a powerful advantage no one talks about. In fact, NoFap will change your life for this simple reason.

Mastering your sexual desires is so difficult because these impulses are programmed straight into our DNA. And with the rise of adult videos, more intense stimulation is available than ever before. It’s possible to be exposed to more beautiful women in one night than our most alpha ancestor got in his entire lifetime. Controlling this instinctual desire indicates an elite level of self discipline. The number one benefit of NoFap comes from knowing you possess this unique and supreme discipline. With this knowledge, you gain a genuine belief that you can accomplish anything. It doesn’t need constant reinforcement. It’s just an innate part of you. And everywhere you walk you carry this confidence like a stain you can’t wipe off. Anything worth accomplishing requires immense discipline. And because you have an elite level of it, you can accomplish anything.

To reiterate, just the knowledge you have extraordinary self discipline will open many possibilities. Succeeding in combat sports, a business venture, or saving up for a down payment all require immense self discipline. That’s why most people never even try. But you know that with your level of discipline, you can succeed where others failed. You know you can stay the course longer than others did, and see results others never will.

Retaining changes your self image and allows you to see the world differently. It becomes full of opportunity and optimism, rather than confinement and pessimism. Your life is an open book, and any possibility thrown your way can blossom into a new chapter. It’s truly a beautiful way to live. You’re more open minded to the different options you have, because you know with your level discipline anything is accomplishable. Ultimately, you must believe you are capable of achieving success before it comes your way. I had the confidence I could build the body before I even began training. I knew I could build this business before even starting. To outsiders it looks like foolhardiness. But I knew all along. And now nobody can say anything. A commonality among all successes was an initial, intrinsic belief that it could be done. NoFap is a compound habit. Begin retaining to develop your self belief, rectify your self image, and watch opportunities bloom before your very eyes.

Until next time,

The Modern Samurai

