Succeed With Women

The Modern Samurai
3 min readJan 11, 2022


Getting more women begins with a mindset shift. You must change your definition of success. It’s not about getting her number, having a cool conversation, or getting her in bed. Success is the ability to approach girls without hesitation. And victory is talking with an attractive girl without overthinking it beforehand. Here’s why.

Getting girls is a numbers game. The more women you talk to, the higher your chance of a ‘conversion’: my term for someone genuinely interested in you. Being a high value man undeniably increases your chance of a conversion, but you still have to put yourself out there. The game of getting girls reduces to your willingness to be rejected. Therefore training this automatic response is so crucial. See a girl you’re interested in and seize the opportunity without hesitation.

It’s important to practice on any girl you’re interested in, of course, within your realm of possibility and circumstances permitting. If you’re waiting for a bus and the pretty girl next to you is on her phone, there’s your opportunity. This mentally reinforces that you’re worthy of any girl’s time and attention, even if you subliminally don’t believe so. Repeating this practice affects your subconscious. It builds true, innate confidence which carries over to all future encounters, ultimately increasing your conversion rate.

Perhaps more important is an automatic willingness to act. Most guys have intentions of talking to a girl. After spotting her across the room, they spend a solid few minutes deciding how best to approach her. This is their downfall. For in this time, their many insecurities and doubts surface and prevent action. Even if they manage to approach her, it’s impossible to be smooth and casual given how much mental space she already occupies.

My advice is mostly anecdotal. I’ve found the most success approaching girls when I didn’t think. When I just acted on impulse without hesitation. Is she remotely pretty? Okay then go up to her and say this. Forget corny pickup lines or catchy conversation starters. For me, it didn’t even matter. By the end of our conversation, neither of us even remember how it started.

Training this natural response will yield the most long term results. You’re increasing both the amount of opportunities, and the conversion rate of each opportunity. Quick math says results are on deck.

Reflect on your missed opportunities. It was probably because you lacked this automatic response. Over time yes, you would’ve gotten rejected more, but the reward far outweighs this negligible risk. By avoiding rejection, you’ve missed out on developing game, making connections, and potentially getting the girl of your dreams.

You won’t be good initially. You might not know what to say, perhaps you’ll stutter with your words, and sometimes your advances will be flat out denied. But it’s all just practice for a much bigger numbers game. And with each new data point acquired, you will get better. If you’re truly lost and looking for inspiration, I suggest approaching her either with a genuine compliment in a non-creepy manner, or with a non-invasive, casual question. Above all, remember that success is simply possessing this automatic response. Once you’ve acquired it, victory is all but a forgone conclusion.

Thank you for listening,

The Modern Samurai

